Thursday 23 July 2015

What Koala Lou can teach you about bringing home a new baby

Oh my do I LOVE this book.

This book is a fantastic description of what can happen to the older sibling when you bring home a new baby.
When you have a newborn in addition to an older sibling, you are sleep deprived, hormonal and VERY busy.
It's easy to overlook the little things that you used to do with your first child pre-baby.

In the book, Koala Lou goes to great lengths to get Mummy's attention and to feel loved again.

Our children need to know that they are just as important to you as their sibling and you love them just as much, in their own special way.
If you can understand how your child feels loved (5 Love Languages of Children is a great resource!), then you are able to ensure that they still feel connected and special despite the amount of time needed to care for the new arrival.

When Mr X is angry, sooky and mean to the twins, it is often because he is depleted and feeling left out or unloved. Having this book on my shelf is a good way to remind me to do special things with my little man.
It is also a great book to read to your kids to help them understand how much mummy loves them, even if she is busy and looking after the baby.

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