Wednesday 14 October 2015

Mr X shocked me today when he took defiance to whole a new level..

Today my beautiful grandmother came over to help me with the children.
The kids already have a strong association with their Mimi and sweet treats. She always has an abundance of home-baked deliciousness when we visit. Today was no different, she came bearing biscuits, cupcakes and dinner - bless her!

Mr X had already indulged in quite a few cupcakes and biscuits when he came to me and asked for yet another cupcake. I explained that he had already had too many and didn't need any more sugar.
Up until now, this would have resulted in a rather dramatic sigh, head drop and pout combo followed by an "Oh.. Ok.." And that would have been the end of it.

Today, a few minutes after refusing him, I noticed Mr X emerging from under the desk with pink icing all over his face and an empty cupcake wrapper.
The little rascal had snuck a cupcake off the bench and hidden under the desk to eat it!!
This is certainly a new level of defiance in our house.
I think I will have to be much more vigilant with any sweets in the house from now on!

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